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Midwifery Education

Midwifery Education DVDs Category Image Birth International’s DVDs showcase midwives, various birth settings, and realistic depictions of the childbirth journey. Our Midwifery Education DVDs are also an excellent resource for midwives or other professionals conducting childbirth classes. By utilising these resources, you can effectively discuss and enhance your understanding of the essential skills an educator should possess.

With Both Feet on the Ground, the DVD is a premier active birth resource. This video, originating from The Netherlands and featuring English voice-over translation, offers a unique glimpse into a first-time home birth. As the labour unfolds, it reveals the mother’s and midwife’s candid reflections on its duration. Furthermore, the text vividly describes how they actively seek calmness in the shower and experiment with finding comfortable positions. Consequently, this video provides an invaluable portrayal of the dynamics of birth and the strategies for support.

Skills for Childbirth Educators is a downloadable video series presented by Andrea Robertson. The first video delves into understanding the pelvis, while the second provides insights into effectively utilising teaching models. These comprehensive resources offer valuable guidance for childbirth educators seeking to enhance their knowledge and teaching methods for optimal preparation and support.

Reviving the Rebozo DVD is a comprehensive guide to utilising the Rebozo for comfort during pregnancy. Featuring 15 techniques, it empowers pregnant women with versatile methods to ease discomfort in various situations. This resource is essential for those seeking holistic support and relaxation throughout their pregnancy journey.

These are just some of the Midwifery Education DVDs available in our shop. We also have DVDs that discuss the importance of a mother’s touch.

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Midwifery Education DVD