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Homebirth DVDsBirth International stocks a range of carefully selected homebirth DVDs, including presentations showing women’s different stories and experiences. The DVDs also explore water immersion during labour and childbirth, which can enable a safe, gentle, joyous and empowering experience.

Under Her Own Steam DVD is a delightful homebirth of a first baby in The Netherlands. The English commentary describes an active birth, with the mother using upright positions and using the bath for comfort. The woman gives birth in a supported squatting position after using a birth stool for the beginning of the second stage. After the birth placenta arrives with the mother kneeling, followed by early breastfeeding and contact with the baby.

There’s a baby DVD that shows Maia’s joy and excitement as she learns about what a baby can do before birth and sees her baby sister born (with tasteful filming). Maia greets her sister with a song, and a kiss and the DVD also shows a little of life with a new baby.

Another excellent DVD is the Mother Touch: Nurturing Touch for Birth DVD, which shows the importance of touch during labour and birth. This film fully explores four births in the hospital and home settings. In each, the women explain the significance of the touch offered by caregivers and supporters in reducing pain, maintaining a calm approach and creating a positive outlook, with comments also from caregivers.

However, that’s not all. We have more Homebirth DVDs available in-store, so please check them out.

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Homebirth DVD products