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Breastfeeding Charts

Breastfeeding Charts

Birth International offers a range of breastfeeding charts designed for prenatal programs and clinics. Firstly, our charts showcase various breastfeeding positions and techniques, providing essential guidance for new mothers.

Furthermore, the Breastfeeding Positions Chart is an essential resource for new mothers. It highlights the significance of various nursing positions and emphasises the importance of proper latching techniques. The chart simplifies feeding guidance for new mothers, promoting proper baby nutrition and comfort. Moreover, two photos feature a newborn baby self-latching at their mother’s breast, offering visual aids to enhance understanding.

The First Hour After Birth Chart depicts the 9 behavioural stages newborns experience after delivery. When paired with the accompanying tear pad, it reinforces information about this crucial period for both parents and healthcare providers.

The Positioning – The Key to Successful Attachment  A3 Chart provides visual guidance on achieving optimal breastfeeding positioning. It demonstrates how to hold the baby snugly, ensuring the head is tilted back to align the chin, lower jaw, and tongue under the breast for effective attachment.

The Attachment—The Key to Successful Breastfeeding A3 Chart is laminated and outlines steps for achieving optimal positioning and attachment. This chart is a visual aid, further supporting mothers in mastering this crucial skill.

Our Baby Poo and Wee A3 Chart is a valuable tool for healthcare providers who work with breastfed babies. It provides essential information and helps professionals keep track of the baby’s health. It assists in educating women and families about the essentials of infant care. This chart allows caregivers to check bowel movements and urination in breastfed infants.

In conclusion, these educational charts are ideal for learning and teaching breastfeeding strategies and issues. Additionally, explore our in-store breastfeeding products, designed specifically for moms and healthcare professionals.

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Breastfeeding Charts Products


Breastfeeding Charts

Breastfeeding Basics Chart

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $11.00.